Sunday, April 20, 2008

All About Mackenzie

Likes -
Math, recess
Swimming, dancing, drawing
Spaghetti, bananas, yogurt, peanut butter pretzels
Friends are Ruby, Cole and Jensen
High School Musical
Lego Star Wars

Dislikes -
Going to bed at night
Getting up in the morning
The end of recess

Mackenzie is a delight! Wherever we go, she makes friends in a matter of minutes. She loves babies and little children and is a "mother" to them. She is full of life and energy.

Savannah - April 6-10, 2008

I left for Savannah, Georgia to attend an academic conference for work. Some things I did - Our group walked a few blocks to Paula Deen's restaurant - Lady and Sons. The place was packed! We had the all you can eat buffet that was all Southern food. There was collard greens, sweet potatoes, beans with potatoes, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and pork to name a few. The only edible things were the fried chicken and the mashed potatoes. The restaurant was very over-rated. I heard that the restaurant was a lot better when Paula Deen actually did all of the cooking.

One night at dark, our group met in the hotel lobby and did a ghost walk tour. The city is very famous for the ghost sitings. We spent the next hour hearing stories of haunted houses and businesses. Our guide was a good story teller. Not only are there walking ghost tours, but I would see hearses and also buses driving people around and telling them the tales of the dead. Some stories were pretty gruesome. One story was about a woman murdered in this home which is now a bed and breakfast. This ghost likes to take women's undergarments. One woman complained that her undergarments were taken out of her suitcase and she found them strewn all the way down the hallway. Other women couldn't find their undergarments, and upon searching the house, found their bras and underwear on the Christmas tree like ornaments.

Wednesday - It was my 43rd (yes, that old) birthday! It was so weird being in a city on my birthday and not knowing anyone! During my lunch break, I was eating a sandwich in the park, and four women called one of the women' s daughter and wished her a Happy Birthday. I thought they said, "Happy Birthday" to Carol, and I ran over to them and told them it was my birthday too ! They actually sang to Karen. I was so homesick and it took all I had to finish up the conference and the trip without having to come home early! Our group toured an old home. I spent the afternoon walking through a very old cemetery and an old church.

Starting our life with "Blogging"

This year has been the first for many "firsts" for me - even though I'm 43 years old!
- I got my first gym membership.
- I filled out my first papers for a loan
- I FINALLY got my own cell phone and am learning how to text
- I got my first laptop and still trying to learn how to use it
- AND now, I am starting my own web site.

Thanks for checking us out - we will update often. See the latest on the shenanigans of little Miss "Mackenzie".